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Это видео взрыва и демонтажа зданий, проводимых экспертами, которые точно рассчитывают угол взрыва и количество взрывчатых веществ в зависимости от строительного материала, размера, конструкции и окружающей среды.
Udivitelnoye video snosa zdaniy i mostov s ispolzovaniyem vzryvchatki!

Eto redkoye video snosa i snosa razlichnykh postroyek i mostov!
Eto video vzryva i demontazha zdaniy, provodimykh ekspertami, kotoryye tochno rasschityvayut ugol vzryva i kolichestvo vzryvchatykh veshchestv v zavisimosti ot stroitelnogo materiala, razmera, konstruktsii i okruzhayushchey sredy.

Incredible Video of A-10 Warthogs Fearsome GAU-8 Avenger in Action

Video: Incredible Video of A-10 Warthogs Fearsome GAU-8 Avenger in Action

The A-10 Thunderbolt is also known as the Warthog, the ‘flying gun’ and the Tankbuster.
The A-10 is a high-survivability and versatile aircraft, popular with pilots for the ‘get home’ effectiveness.

The mission of the aircraft is ground attack against tanks, armoured vehicles and installations, and close air support of ground forces.

The A-10 is suitable for operation from forward air bases, with short take-off and landing capability. The aircraft has a long range (800 miles), high endurance and can loiter in the battle area.

The manoeuvrability at low speed and low altitude (below 1,000ft) allows accurate and effective targeting and weapon delivery over all types of terrain.
The GAU-8/A 30mm Gatlin gun iis installed on the U.S. Air Force’s A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft and the Navy’s Goalkeeper Close-In Weapon System. The GAU-8/A provides a reliable, high-rate-of-fire, combat-proven weapon for close air support and shipboard defense missions.

Each of the gun’s seven barrels contains its own breech bolt assembly, which fires once per gun revolution. This ensures long barrel life because firing loads are distributed over all seven barrels. Continuous rotary motion reduces impact loads on gun components, leading to long parts life and high reliability.

The A-10 aircraft is specifically designed to provide close air support. The GAU-8/A gun provides rapid response to threats that are in close proximity to friendly ground forces and is well suited for engagements inside missile envelopes.

In the Goalkeeper application, the GAU-8/A fires a lethal, high-kinetic-energy 30mm Missile-Piercing Discarding Sabot round.

Video by Airman 1st Class Christina Rios, Senior Airman Christina Rios, Tech. Sgt. William Hopper, Tech. Sgt. Eric E Flores
#usmilitarynews #americanpatriot #usmilitary

EXPERIMENT : UnderGround UnderWater and UnderPan

In this video we have collected many different experiments, such as: The reaction of cola and menthos underground, various experiments with a watermelon and also with a pan.

Please like and share this video!)

Dont try this at home, were just doing this for education to show what happends.
This channel is scientific and educational and we are professionals in our field with special education.

For cooperation, write to ByDiyCompany@gmail.com


New High Speed Police Pursuits

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This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause].
Clips featured in the following compilation are intended for educational
and journalistic purposes. The commentary on each clip solidifies
and clearly portrays my intent of teaching my
viewers to be better drivers as well as express my
take on what happens in the clip


Quand on songe aux modes de transport les plus dangereux, le bateau n’est guère en tête de liste. Alors que ce type de transport est relativement sûr, il y a parfois des accidents fous capturés par caméra, si vous recherchez des accidents de bateau ridicules et calamiteux, vous êtes au bon endroit. Voici 20 accidents de bateau filmés.
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Животные Спасают ДРУГ ДРУГА

10 Случаев спасение животных другими животными
Этому городу нужен новый герой, говорим мы, обычно, имея ввиду людей. Но пока в мире есть такие герои как в этом видео можно обойтись и без бетмена. Кстати все они животные спасающие своих братьев и товарищей, а иногда конкурентов или потенциальную добычу…